Scholarships Overview & Applications
2024 DCAS Scholarship
Enroll in a full-time undergraduate course of study at an accredited two or four-year college, university, or technical school, to commence no later than the fall of 2024. Full-time study is defined as full-time enrollment and attendance for the entire 2024-2025 academic year.
Deadline: Student must submit his/her application to the Fair no later than 3pm Friday, May 10, 2024.
2024 NYSAAF & NYSSA Scholarships
2024 NYSAAF and NYSSA Scholarship Application – visit NY Fairs Scholarships
The website offers a complete list of member fairs. NYSAAF and NYSSA offer an annual scholarship program that is available to students who are New York State residents, who currently are (or have previously been) active in a fair that is a member of the NYSAAF or the NYSSA and who plan to attend (or already attend) college in pursuit of a degree. The fair where you have been active or the NYSSA must endorse your application and submit it for you.
New York State Association of Agricultural Fairs Applicants
Applications submitted through the NYSAAF should be submitted to your local fair. Applicants may submit only one application.
New York State Show People’s Association Applicants
Applications submitted through the NYSSA should be submitted to Sarah McAndrew, Secretary NYSSA, 7194 Rosewood Circle, North Syracuse, NY 13212. Applicants may submit only one application.
Applicant must be in his/her senior year of high school in New York State or be a New York State resident already attending college and planning to pursue or already pursuing a degree at an accredited institution of higher learning.
Student applications must be submitted no later than the second Friday in April.